January 07, 2011

A Hedgehog's Calendar - Winter

Hedgehog Mittens!
It is winter at the Hedgehog Manor. If Peggy was in the wild she would have eaten her way through the Autumn and be snuggled up for a long winters nap. However, since she is a captive hedgie it is important to keep her warm and happy and awake! I find this time of the year is difficult on her. She is less excited to play and harder to coax out of her ball. She is healthy and my place is warm but I think the days can just be too short for her. I will be happy when the Spring comes and she is less of a grumpy pants!

In the wild fat little hedgies have made themselves a little den and are hibernating until the Spring. My understanding (since we don't have wild hedgehogs in Canada) is that if a hedgie is healthy and the right size you will not see it until the weather warms up. If you do spot a hedgie out and about in the snow it may be in distress or too small to survive on its fat reserves and you should call a shelter immediately for advice.  

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